Monday, November 23, 2009

Shock and Aaaagh!

Hi everyone!
I wanted to talk a little bit about Adam Lambert's "shocking" AMA performance. If you missed it, Lambert did a little bit of bump and grind with a male dancer's face,and frenched his keyboardist. ABC was subsequently hit with 1,500 complaints, which really isn't that much, but was enough to probably scare ABC from inviting Mr. Lambert back next year.
Look, I get that this program aired during prime time, when young children might be viewing it. But seriously, knowing that Lambert is both openly gay and shamelessly flamboyant might have clued people in to the fact that his performance might be a bit, er... eye-opening. Just because he was on American Idol, people are expecting a "cute and cuddly homo", not the flaming ball of flame that he is.
You know what I'm sick of? Parents who think everything is TV's fault. If you have half a brain, you know music awards shows are always somewhat risque, although the AMA's really have nothing on MTV's annual VMA flesh-parade. So if you don't want your kids exposed to that kind of thing, just turn off the damn TV! They may whine and cry about missing that singer they really like, but that's why parenting isn't called "happy, happy fucking candy sunshine time" okay!? TV programs like the AMA's are designed for a pretty broad audience, but they aren't made specifically just for a few thousand stuffy, homophobic sociopaths with nothing better to do than call TV networks to bitch about their programming!!!


By the way, I've decided to only do one album review a month, as trying to do one each week is probably a bit too ambitious. See you after Thanksgiving!

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