Saturday, March 13, 2010

Those Kids Today!

"I hate the popular music they play nowadays. The videos are mostly R&B, over sexualized, and there to promote some arrogant asshole with a ego. (see video)

Speaking of youth, do they bother to listen to stuff that isn't on MTV anymore?

I was into Hendrix, Joplin, Yardbirds, Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath when i was 14 years old. As did most kids my age back in the 90's.

Do kids nowadays still bother?"
-Actual Youtube post. All line breaks are original.

One of my greatest fears is becoming that bitter old guy who sits around at bars, or concert venues and does nothing but bitch about how music was so much better back when he was a kid. Actually, these guys aren't at bars and clubs anymore, they're on youtube. And in most cases they're not that old (maybe 30-35). They are so concerned with how the "emo generation" (Whatever that is) is ruining music they feel compelled to seek out the music of these "inferior" modern artists and slather all over message boards with their self-righteous, holier-than-thou ranting.

You know what dude? No one cares that you don't understand today's music. No one is going to change their listening habits because some 34 year old loser told them they don't know what "real emo" is because they were too young to see Husker Du play their first concert (Oh like you were actually there. Fuck you, you were more interested in listening to Sound Garden in 93. Admit it.)

And furthermore, half the stuff you thought was so cool when you were 15 is embarrassing now. I bet you still have pictures of yourself with a bad bleach job, wearing your dad's flannel shirt because you'd just seen "Smells Like Teen Spirit" on MTV, and went a little overboard. It's okay, man. That's what teenagers do. Eventually our tastes broaden and mature and we grow out of certain things. Surely you can remember how dumb, impressionable, and not to mention, desperate to fit in you were at that age.

Don't you for one second think you're any better than a 15-year old girl in a My Chemical Romance hoodie just because you grew out of your melodramatic phase over a decade ago. This is one of the purest things she will ever experience, why don't you let her enjoy it. Just because you're bitter and disillusioned doesn't mean you need to make everyone else miserable.

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